Saturday, November 23, 2013

The square pyramid was built in the XII century, in a phased manner for astronomical purposes, has

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We woke up very early to enjoy breakfast buffet that offered the Restaurant Cozumel Iberostar Quetzal, with all the variety and abundance dinner as we had seen the previous day, it really was food for all tastes and customs.
Felipe, the guide and driver agency Cenote Azul ( ), Which we recommended you council, went to pick us up on time and drove the 214 miles between Playacar our dream destination Chichen Itza. ($ 55, with lunch and entrance fees)
We passed the intermediate course typical tourist stop for consumption and other crafts where the only interesting thing was the discovery that the gum (Tzictli in Nahualt) is a Maya discovery, who already used it by extracting it from a tree in the area.
We arrived at the archaeological site of Chichen Itza, a World Heritage Site by Unesco in 1988, and one of the seven wonders of the modern world, and we could feel the power of the place, first by the intensity of the heat, despite be still early, and by the energy of most important site of the Yucatan Peninsula.
This city, whose name means "at the mouth of the well of the Itza" was between 600 and 1250 AD the center of political, economic sacks sandwiches tempe and military power of Yucatan and throughout Southeast Mesoamerica, including Tabasco and Campeche, sacks sandwiches tempe calculated that came to house 25,000 people, getting sacks sandwiches tempe to generate the most important commerce in the area and promote several changes in the sphere of production and the residential and religious architecture derived from their worldview, as reads the first educational board at the entrance of site.
Begin the tour accompanied by a new guide met us at the door, where the Ossuary or Tomb of the High Priest, which are only some columns erected on a pyramid that rises about 10 meters high is located.
And we turned on the esplanade in front of the round building called the Observatory, which is really sacks sandwiches tempe moving. This building also called the Caracol also due to the existence of a spiral staircase that led to the dome that was observing site for the ancient Maya astronomers.
We were long time listening sacks sandwiches tempe to the explanations sacks sandwiches tempe of our guide, who told us excited about this obsession of the Mayans by the movement of the heavenly bodies, which even led to determine the location of cities and buildings, being amazed when we looked data on the knowledge that came regarding Venus, his adoration of the Milky Way, which they called the "World Tree" in addition to the mathematical knowledge achieved.
Also told us about the significance of the Mayan Calendar, the knowledge about the rotation of the earth, the determination of the solar cycle of 365 days, and the lunar motion, every 30 days, demolishing myths about it - as we happened to Stone Aztec sun-such as it was not set in stone, then telling their own version of the myth of 21/12/2012 (then only missing a couple of months to the final outcome of the world of course), discarding apocalyptic theory course.
Speaking of ornate buildings we find the so-called Church, dedicated to Chac, god of rain, and the holders of the sky or Bacabs: armadillo, snail, sacks sandwiches tempe turtle and crab.
We walked under the sun - and burning at this hour, happy to have taken hat-with our guide almost only reserved for us, visiting what remains of the Temple of the Altars and the steam used to clean the body and purification of the soul.
We returned to the starting point dodging a number of craft stalls and souvenirs, mostly hammocks and figures of animals in Obsidian sacks sandwiches tempe stone, and a jaguar which emitted a grunt to blow equal to the "original" and we find ourselves faced with the star of the place, also called El Castillo.
The square pyramid was built in the XII century, in a phased manner for astronomical purposes, has 365 steps - day of the year, and 52 sections - the weeks of a year, and mark on each equinox drop himself Kukulkan, through the shadow left by the sun, forming seven triangles to 37 feet long is attached to the head of the great serpent Emplumad

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