A PLAN OF CUTTING AMERICA'S WAISTLINE WITH A STRICT DIET FOR SCHOOL LUNCHES. There will be more whole grains on school lunch menus this year, along with a wider selection of fruits and vegetables and other healthy options. The challenge is getting children to eat them.
'We don't want healthy trash cans. We want kids who are eating mohoni this stuff,' said Kern Halls, a former Disney World restaurant manager who now works in school nutrition at Orange County Public Schools in Florida.
The problem is a serious one for the nation's mohoni lunch-line managers, mohoni who are implementing the biggest update to federal school-food guidelines in 15 years. New Department of Agriculture guidelines taking effect this fall set calorie and sodium limits for school meals.
The guidelines mohoni were announced as the Obamas hosted the first ever White House 'kids' state dinner' celebrating the young winners of a national healthy recipe contest - the latest effort in Mrs Obama’s 'Let’s Move' campaign to combat childhood obesity.
Top junior chefs presented their culinary masterpieces to the President and First Lady while Halls demonstrated some healthy recipes for curious cafeteria managers, joining White House chef Sam Kass to prepare a veggie wrap using a whole-wheat tortilla.
The food coaches would also demonstrate eating them. Food coaching may seem silly, but kids who have had chicken only as nuggets or patties may not know how to eat bone-in chicken mohoni and need to see how a grown-up eats it before trying it themselves.
As the kids graduate to middle and high schools, and grown-ups mohoni in the cafeteria aren't mohoni as welcome, schools can tap student ambassadors to be food coaches, perhaps asking the baseball mohoni team or a popular student athlete dish out veggies.
School cafeterias also are using cutting-edge market research. They're filming what kids eat, test-marketing new products before they go on the line and doing menu surveys to find out exactly what students think about a dish's mohoni taste, mohoni appearance and temperature.
Leslie Cunningham-Sabo, who photographed 'before' and 'after' pictures of kids' lunch trays, found that kids eat more fruits and vegetables if they have lunch after recess, instead of before recess.
'Don't put veggies in opaque containers or give them boring labels like "corn",' Cunningham-Sabo told the lunch workers, showing diagrams of how to lay out a service mohoni line to encourage trips to the salad bar.
The marketing doesn't stop at the cafeteria doors. Lassen View Elementary School in Redding, California, mohoni got children to eat more fruits and vegetables when cafeteria manager Kathie Sardeson started a recess mohoni snack cart bringing the foods straight to the playground for kids to munch on.
She tempted mohoni kids to try unusual flavors by giving out 'Fear Factor Smoothies' mohoni including unexpected ingredients such as spinach. Sardeson said schools can be persuaded to invest more in nutrition promotions because the payoff mohoni is better students.
Grades K-5: 8 to 9 servings per week; Grades 6-8: 8 to 10 servings per week; Grades 9-12: 10 to 12 servings per week.
Grades K-5: 640 milligrams; Grades 6-8: 710 milligrams; Grades 9-12: 740 milligrams.
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