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Pieces from Wikipedia about writing in your novel? Then it must also immediately be made public for everyone. peter piper pizza lunch buffet The French jurist Florent Gallaire specializing in digital law, on his blog rekindled the debate about copyright. Especially since he has the deed to the word: the much discussed and winning new novel by Michel Houellebecq, La carte et le territoire, is starting to download an archived version of his blog, in various electronic formats.
Houellebecq did not deny that he has used pieces from Wikipedia, including how to describe having sex fly. But he denies that this is plagiarism. The 29 year old lawyer Gallaire gives the discussion a different twist. peter piper pizza lunch buffet He argues that the novel Houellebecq now under the creative commons scheme now Houellebecq is no acknowledgment information has been taken from the French Wikipedia. Under that arrangement preserves everyone who has done something creative or invented his copyright, but give others the right to distribute his work. Many fellow lawyers do not share this reasoning. Houellebecq's publisher, peter piper pizza lunch buffet Flammarion, thinks Gallaire the copyright law has violated and wants to start a lawsuit against him.
Wikileaks: disclosure is in our interest? This post has 5 comments to" Is novel by Houellebecq free use Wikipedia? peter piper pizza lunch buffet "Jolanda Heunen says: Tuesday, November 30th, 2010, 14:46 pm
I'm curious how this ends. Jolanda 30/11/2010 14:46 My French is not what it never was. Hoped that there would be an English version peter piper pizza lunch buffet as the post is in English and begins with the words 'La Carte et le territoire (English: The Map and the Territory)' Jolanda Heunen says: Wednesday, December 1st, 2010, 16:45
Under pressure from Flammarion Florent Gallaire has removed the link to the free novel: see his update of 1 December 2010. the downloads mean "not available". Wikimédia France has the open-source action of Gallaire peter piper pizza lunch buffet convicted in an official peter piper pizza lunch buffet communication. Without wanting to be pushy, see The Sausage Machine. e eijk says: Thursday, December 2nd, 2010, 18:39 pm
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