Saturday, January 10, 2015

How wonderful graphic eat Western food a la carte? (2009-03-09 17:33:17) sirius a la carte

How wonderful graphic eat Western food a la carte? (2009-03-09 17:33:17) sirius a la carte
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Formal full meal is not necessary all points, but can not eat too many points but rude. However, from the courtesy, or whether sirius a la carte it is the whole point of the point where only a few dishes, a la carte Western should serve the order to the point, it is very particular in France, Italy and Spain, in the United States, you can casually. In Spain and France, in addition to serving sirius a la carte very particular order outside, but the kitchen sirius a la carte is in turn slowly and gradually in accordance with the order of cooking the meal, so even if you ordered all the various dishes, the gap between each dish serving very long, and After you finish the dish on a slowly digested part, so it will not really feel full, so if you point too little, sirius a la carte but it is easy to feel a little hungry.
5, the main course of meat, poultry dishes is the fourth Western dishes, also known as the main course. Raw meat dishes from the meat of cattle, sheep, pigs, and other small parts of the cowboy, the most representative is beef or steak. Steak Sirloin steak can be divided according to their location (also known as sirloin steak), Philip steak, "T" type bone steak, thin steaks. Their cooking methods commonly roasted, fried, grilled, etc. Meat dishes with sauce used mainly Spanish sauce, sirius a la carte thick sauce fine, extravagant mushroom sauce, white Nice juice. Raw food dishes taken from chickens, ducks, geese, usually rabbit and venison and other game birds are also included in the largest sirius a la carte variety of dishes poultry dishes are chicken, pheasant, turkey, bamboo chicken can be cooked, can be fried can be grilled, can stew, mainly yellow gravy sauce, curry sauce, creamy juice.
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