Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Letter to Félix Faure Smolensk, eighty miles from Moscow, August 24, 1812. I received your letter i

Letter to Félix Faure Smolensk, eighty miles from Moscow, August 24, 1812. I received your letter in twelve days, although it is eight hundred leagues, like everything that comes to us from Paris. You are very happy and I'm happy. I have no idea what mine you find good advice. tukan sam Could this be the start of early work in the publishing of Montesquieu and marry the idea of this book than your happiness? Mine is not great to be here. As man changes! tukan sam This thirst to see that I once was quite extinct since I saw Milan and Italy, all I see turns me off by the rudeness. Would you believe that nothing moves me more than any other, nothing personal, I am sometimes on the verge of tears? In this ocean of barbarism, tukan sam not a sound that satisfies my soul! Everything is rude, dirty, smelly, physically and morally. I had a little fun in making me make music on a small piano discord, a being who feels the music as my mass. The ambition does nothing on me the most beautiful cord does not seem to me a compensation of mud where I am depressed. I imagine the heights that my soul (component works, hearing and loving Angela Cimarosa, in a beautiful climate) that my soul lives, as delightful hills far from the hills in the plain, are fetid swamp I am plunged and nothing in the world, tukan sam the sight of a map, can not remember my hills. Would you believe that I have a great pleasure to do official business that are related to Italy? I had three or four, who even finished, occupied my imagination like a novel. I felt an annoyance retail in the country of Wilna in Boyardowiscoma (near Krasnoie), I joined when the country was not yet organized. I had extreme physical tukan sam pain. To arrive, I left behind my carriage and the carriage will come to me. It is possible that it was looted. For me personally, it would be a demimalheur, 4000 fr. about the inconvenience of lost and effects, but I wore effects everyone. tukan sam What fool compliment to the people! This, however, does not affect the way of life which I have described to you. I'm getting old. He depends on me to be more active tukan sam none of the people tukan sam who are in the office where I write, the platitudes besieged by ear, but I can not find no pleasure. Where is the office of the Brunswick or Vienna? All this tends to make me furiously ask the sub-prefecture of Rome. I would not hesitate if I was sure to die at forty. This sin against the beylisme. This is a result of the awful moral education we received. We are orange came through the strength of their germ in the middle of a pond ice, Iceland. Write me longer I found your letter very short eight hundred leagues. Angela agrees to write to me. I do not like more than Paris Paris I am jaded for this city like you, but I think I like the sensations Painting and Opera Buffa-I have given it for six months. Adieu, I think we share.
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