Monday, April 20, 2015

Recipes published: 41

Ingredients: 4 courgettes 200g moon sausage 1 onion 1 green pebrotet cheese to brown oil, salt and pepper
Wash the zucchini under tap. Cut the top and a hat. Place in a bowl with plastic wrap and cook Sall microwave about 10/12 (can also be boiled in a pot). About cooked breakfast buffet los angeles remove the paper and let cool. Do the same with tapas 5.Quant to cook zucchini Shag cooled a bit, emptied them with a spoon and reserve polpa.Picar finely breakfast buffet los angeles and fry it, add the sausages and pulp extracted from rags courgettes and fry all together breakfast buffet los angeles trying to integrate all the elements

Featured Chefs
Recipes published: 41
Recipes published: 18
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