Sunday, April 26, 2015

Esprit also used many words of Catalan Caló some of their stories. Some of these words were very mu

The modernist writer Juli Vallmitjana Colominas Barcelona (1873-1937), a silversmith by profession (his father founded Metales y Platería Vallmitjana store and had Grace), he studied fine arts at the Exchange. While interacting with bohemian of the city, also felt attracted to other social classes still marginal. This interest is mainly focused on the Roma Montjuïc Hostafrancs, protagonists of many of his literary output. argosy casino buffet To faithfully reproduce the language of his characters, he used Vallmitjana forms of slang and colloquial Catalan gypsy Barcelona, both Catalan and Castilian gypsies.
In 1908, cuts through the twentieth century Catalan literature, but Vallmitjana went to another band. With the name of JV Colominas published under Montjuic: novela * (Barcelona: Tip. The Advancement), which portrays the poor foot Barcelona argosy casino buffet Montjuic, from the shipyard to the Llobregat, a landscape of beggars, thieves, swindlers, prostitutes, whoring ... At the end of this work that he included Vallmitjana a vocabulary of words used by the gypsies in the area. This vocabulary the play two years later in the Xava ** (Barcelona: Tip. The breakthrough, 1910), one of his most famous works.
When one finds fragments as this character's Hospice Xava "I poleio to: I just dig a parluco. It is Allah. It has, pinxera: whip and everything.", One realizes one hand , the richness of a language argosy casino buffet that Vallmitjana saved for literature and, secondly, the success he had added the appendix terms of calories. Regarding the word calories, DIEC2 includes two meanings that complement the case under discussion: first is the mention of gypsies in our region; Second, is the slang thieves, trenches and other people living Quentin, often of Roma origin.
Until November 22, in the small hall of the TNC can be seen in the wedding Terregada the first major adaptation of the theater in Vallmitjana. The TNC sensitive to the language of the text in Vallmitjana facilitates a Glossary of jargon wrongdoers to better understand the work. More: note this jargon (which argosy casino buffet comes pdf) The Psycho-block Hamster's Way. * There is a second edition of the twenties Antonio López and Spanish books. Appeared recently on the double-testing novel Under Montjuïc; Crime typical local care Elizabeth Velazquez, published by Arola and 1983 (2004 with a study of Francis Albert Foguet argosy casino buffet and Masters). ** Reprinted first by the living word (1975, with foreword by Joseph Miracle), and more recently to 1984 editions argosy casino buffet (2003, edition of Henry Casasses).
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Avalanche: argosy casino buffet From what you said, 'adorn the' i 'Pilt' argosy casino buffet I do not use, but there are actually a handful of usual. Deus be more gypsy than me, but my mother comes near Can Tunis. John: There are some that are part of the Catalan colloquial indisputable. As you indicate. Salvador: It depends on what you write is certainly practical make out. Vallmitjana speaks what he knows. Pisco: I am aware that as word has triumphed stop, your Pisco fails to do so, but, of course, already had a Galderich euphonious enough. I do not give up, however;) Reply Remove
Suffice to say that some do not use them, vulgar, like that of "Pilt" (which I would have written "piltra"). But to say that someone abitlla to indicate that it has rinds, I thought it was very common. Reply Remove
Esprit also used many words of Catalan Caló some of their stories. Some of these words were very much alive when I was young, we unfortunately are taken 'the Catalan xava of neighborhood, I always pity. Do not remember that couplet also sang Mary Santpere: If pinguets m'arremanguinyo and m'arrenco to brave the agarena m'atxanta that the district has enough hot ... Reply Remove
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