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In brief Some of the students use the Internet to 'University tkg Tanzania Jokes', 'Eye of the Boy Is Fixed Than Google', 'sweetness Bank Tanzania' and the other in achieving the trade orientation.
Perhaps what we can put on a bunch of effects of globalization. Social networks exist that supports them are students in their studies and work, but others are using such networks amiss. Examination of this newspaper revealed that the misuse of social networking technologies in particular tkg has inspired an increase in crime, rape, drug use and prostitution tkg more business scholars. Networks 'Facebook', 'Twitter', 'BBM', 'Instagram' referred to how it can connect people due to its ease in use. Sunday Citizen limebaini be in such networks have been established different categories having different goals. Some have formed groups with the aim of creating a common business networks, tkg religious, sports, tkg entertainment, comedy and others that are often open and anyone can join and see what is going on inside. In addition tkg to this internal network Facebook on 'BBM' are groups that engage tkg in business of prostitution, yakiwahusisha university students across tkg the country. The investigation revealed that those students who are in the business of prostitution networks are set using pictures and numbers for communication with the client will agree to the price they set. Some of the students use the Internet to 'University Tanzania Jokes', 'Eye of the Boy Is Fixed Than Google', 'sweetness Bank Tanzania' and the other in achieving the trade orientation. When you sign in networks Facebook, Twitter, BBM, Instagram, you revealed the existence of groups yaliyoundwa create networks of sex, which is also set phone numbers of actors, accompanied by photographs, which if you look at the pictures and motivated, you can call the relevant talk to him to make agreement before agreeing. Case of Citizen Sunday revealed that a man can get a girl from any university in the country that do business of prostitution through such networks. Some colleges rose from girls who do business tkg and promotional networks include University tkg of Dar es Salaam (UDSM), University of Dodoma (UDOM), University of St. Augustine (Saut), College of Business Education (CBE) and Institute of Finance Management (IFM). At different times, the authors of this paper visited yanayojinadi doing business segments that together and make contact with three girls who put pictures on their phone on the web.
The girls identified themselves by name, colleges and faculties are read and after monitoring to keep the promise of sexual proved they are in the business of prostitution in their university students. One of the girls was made known by the name of Bianca (not his real name), who is a second tkg year student of the Faculty of Law, University of Dar es Salaam. After the author make him contact tkg agreed to meet the location of the Dasa and time of the promise drew nigh, the author came to the area to meet with the girl who saw her picture and phone number on the Internet, different and he thought initially that maybe the girls to use pictures of other people expediency. tkg Given the objective of girl that is commercial sex, the author of this newspaper she had to take her little girl in a popular hotel in the city, he explained that they have to drink alcohol before going to the room with the agreement of paying Sh50, 000. She handed over the money to the realities of the present kumwaminisha need time to go to her bedroom was called who accompanied the author fled the way he has demonstrated the existence of such behavior. This newspaper lilimfuatilia another student who introduced himself that he studied at the Academy of Social Welfare, who as it did for the first, he found it difficult to express themselves. After the author explain the poipata his phone conversation they had said: daughter asked: "... So, where are you," Correspondent replied: "I am Ubungo." Daughter and asked again: "You can come Welfare?" After that communication tkg the author was told daughter told him that he can follow the college. This newspaper reporter came Kijitonyama areas surrounding the campus sits, and to call this girl, who was received by this time he told the writer that possibly tkg come from his friend. It took half an hour for the girls to arrive at bars, ambay
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