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MP Mohamed Dewji Singida while addressing his constituents. Singida Onyeee ...., mwafanga Oh! matiku news!?, is greeting Singida MP Mohamed Dewji Gulamu, these words are very utilized whenever he was on stage after he had shared his dance and people who gave parliament, the tribe of Nyaturu. Hutamka so he has had welcomed by anyone other leader to asalimie! either conference to be prepared for it, should packaging fair 2013 be pronounced the words 'mwafanga Well'. packaging fair 2013 "Brothers we elected officials each has its methods of responsible citizens, we do not like the kind of courage or weakness of leadership ... period we have is to implement the manifesto of CCM in practice, not during the hitting political discourses", says Dewji Wanasingida packaging fair 2013 colleagues, our borough faces many challenges, too great a burden obebwa I know our government to solve various impediments faced by the citizens we are led, all that nayafahamu very well, "And if my kind of leader are you doing? The answer is that you should bother to uisadie government and citizens are and this is what I did, "he packaging fair 2013 said recently while on a visit to the province in his iliyohitimishwa and rally location packaging fair 2013 of the stand and the old and attended by members of the CCM and the people of Singida town, he handed over various charities groups of entrepreneurs. Dewji says that up to April this year has already been able to use more of Sh. 100 million to implement development projects, including the construction of laboratories in secondary schools, to enable students to use good opportunity to learn while in school. Moreover, entrepreneurs and they have benefited from various grants offered by Dewji, including selling fruit, fodder mother, for electric welding (wachomeleaji) etc., who have joined together through groups. After donating packaging fair 2013 money, cement and metal, says the aim is to support the efforts of its citizens who are struggling to fight ignorance, and wants to see all secondary schools have the laboratory, in order to facilitate teaching and students learning science subjects. "The biggest job I have begun is education packaging fair 2013 ... Education is very important for our children so that later they might knowledge available, we will have teachers and many experts, for our development and nation as a whole, education is a basic right for every child," he insisted Dewji. He points out that investing in education will help to greatly accelerate development from the fact that right now you need to progress you must have the latest technology, so you need to move forward must talk about education in the province. "I entered Parliament in 2005, I found only two secondary school, dr. Salmin Amour and Chief Senge, zikihudumia with 360 students, but today we have 17 school ..., "he said. He says although County schools still face many challenges, he believes such grievance procedures will be reduced, so that later he began with the strategy followed by the construction packaging fair 2013 of teachers' houses in order to completely remove the minor annoyance of teachers in his state. packaging fair 2013 However, Dewji mentions another challenge for the education sector is the shortage of schools' level, which right now is only one (secondary packaging fair 2013 Torch) and to deal with the problem of children packaging fair 2013 in community schools lack space, should the project ipatiwe solution early. In addition, to ensure children have the opportunity to continue with secondary education, he decided to cover living orphans and vulnerable and those whose parents are not helpless, that future education they are getting it can help them in their future life. He says the exercise began it soon after becoming an MP in 2005, through a special packaging fair 2013 fund was ouanzisha then. "I would like to see this region becomes one day and the most elite enough packaging fair 2013 to make progress ... there is a handicapped fund their MP and these children will read until college, perhaps defeated ourselves," he explained. On the availability of water embarrassing its citizens for many years, says the first phase of its legislative and work began drilling 17 wells in rural and succeed, packaging fair 2013 although he faced many challenges, including some of its exploitation. He points out that he spent most of Sh. 500 million for the implementation of clean and safe water in rural areas over the last year. "I appreciate the early 10 villages and the project vilivyonufaika water is discouraged 'A' and 'B', Ititi, Mwankoko 'A' and 'B', Saki, Dump, Unyianga, Manga and executive committees. However, he said there overlooking the largest project completed Kat
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