Tuesday, November 12, 2013

56 posts

If you magtataka why I was starting taut language "English", 'do not ask me cheating and I also know. and if you wonder (once again?) again you know why the language ponderosa prices for buffet "Filipino" I write my entries here ... surely you know my answer .... simple reason, because who cares (supposedly) and I still do not want to bleed the nose of my readers (because of escalating them), and I just joking ie. in fact, still more delicate swoop deep meaning and swim does specify each statement in a language that we both understand each other. I mean FOR YOU, so feel to come up to you and pursuing patalinhagang words you breath while you continue to ikinakampay the hands and feet downstairs suddenly to cry out, "'yun isa said that, now I know! ". once, you bibwelo renewed for dive times to retrieve and open the treasure chest inside. the flesh ... simple message ... written - "THE CHEESE BE PHILIPPINE! . . . Pacquiao winning support!!!. . (Churi, just nagbebero poh akoh, in hule if senabe).
try to translate the English language I said it, I admit FOR YOU, if you were in my position and if anyone else here is magkapagsasabi ma'ng sa'yong still more delicate flower sitsarong compared to what any "crispy" that you taste foreign. The pastries of kumare ponderosa prices for buffet and the sling's kumpare. Others still taste tukneneng, balut, Isaw and Lapid's, every corner of Manila (with matching sanmig light while chew). you include the Andok's's and Baliwag Lechon ponderosa prices for buffet Manok. the zest of living together with another Jollibee! another one! Another chickenjoy! (Sorry, old-fashioned perhaps' tong I know). The pan-de-coco and pan de sal in the morning (with matching dip in hot coffee). The combination of dry and parched breakfast. The nilupak sab a banana and boiled grains of corn snacks on afternoon and pork stew dish at night. Still no support ie enough and you felt hungry in the morning, the trend to "pair" in the corner, and do you also taste the taste of "tapsilog" ponderosa prices for buffet (tapa, fried rice and egg) or "beef pairs" and The warm broth absorbed downstairs while watching the sunrise, signal for a new start ... new morning. (Sigh once) and was grown to be more pass Etong Ewan magtataho ... I just have not been to simmer ponderosa prices for buffet t'yan nyan ... (turn signal 'ie you need na'ng commute.)
And why I said everything's that? (Even noticing that I namimiss the Philippines). Try you're here, because you breath just yet, I know that cheating inulam last night. two just that. If no marinated pork, marinated chicken eh (for there are those differences matter little ponderosa prices for buffet bit). But because of "Ramadan" today and underwent "fasting" our Muslim brothers and sisters here, "vegetarian" effec coffee break. isteytsayd sound? ... just sweet potato stew yan noh! (Once flatulence).
That's the life of an "OFW" (over-fatigued workers). See Imagine delicious? ponderosa prices for buffet Imagine See more money, because large wage? ... no cheating ever thought that with each sinesweldo of each song off the payments being "homesick", the pagtiis the smell (including to foreign) and repeated that dish eaten every day. The mabilad ponderosa prices for buffet in the middle of the famous day walking since you left public bus you rode to save. to live and sleep in the size of wagon space. you leave your own child. glad to hear the call "Mama" two year-old son to leave that now begins to speak and adolescent children, "Papa", you carry the tuition? The shed tears running alone "pharmacy", late at night to buy drugs because you inaapoy fever. The fit just short exchange of words "I Love You" and "I Miss You, just email profits later" or else "we chat later", ponderosa prices for buffet because I love the charging call. and just open letters and emails from relatives if you susumahin eh you also opened the trunk and mean written message, "THE CHEESE WITH CHILDREN OFW!" ... and if have you seen the new model celpon that when I was holding my previous home, eh yun eh, I presents itself when I was last Christmas. (Tunong once before to Ipad ... the message: "Son, we cut off electricity").
You ... you would also be Hero? delicious, especially the new salary ... meet you again by "UAE Exchange" and by "Al Ansari". sa'yong and say, "namiss you ... here's the value of the peso to now .... Portí Portí payb sintabo en tu ".
Remember me
Calvary Poverty Good day to all. You just call me the name "Marilyn" and is currently working as ...
56 posts
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Phil Philips
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