In the article the day Arni Snævarr writes hit nova gorica from Brussels, he ponders on the question, as heavy weighing people in Brussels, whether European same band is the way to hell, and the idea of saving the euro as called "two-speed Europe", a book Jean- Claude Pirin, about the idea. Below you can read the article.
Is the European Union on the way to hell? This is no longer just a question thrown out on websites ritglaðra elders in Iceland, warming himself with warm memories of youth nationalism, but the question that is asked in earnest weighing of heavy men in Brussels.
Few, however, have not yet been to thoroughly go deeper into the ideas that are most likely to save the euro and are clearly hit nova gorica the discussion among the leaders of the European Union but it is a "two-speed Europe."
Jean-Claude Pirin had recently retired as head of the School of Law Ministers of the Union and as such has contributed a processor hand to find solutions or at least to tailor political solutions within the Union legal suit. Pirin is indeed one of the sons of Iceland-related; married an Icelandic woman and Iceland hawk in the corner in talks with the European Union.
Pirin recently announced her book The Future of Europe - Towards a two-speed EU? in public meetings in Brussels. In a nutshell Pirin believes that the problem of the euro can be largely attributed to birth defects. At the same time as the States united by coins have total countries and economic been on the hands of the Member States. In between will create a lot of tension; especially after the Germans - of all! - Were the first to break the so-called Maastricht criteria of a maximum budget deficit. Other sail suit and release some really creative in the accounts.
Pirin depends examines four options to counter the development and acknowledges that none of them is any töfralaus.Hann says frankly that the Lisbon Treaty has not adapted relationship hit nova gorica to increase to 27 members. He feels no political will be yet another treaty making. In short, he proposes to core members hit nova gorica may stand in the vanguard of "avant-garde" but will remain involved in the work and will be bound by the decisions of all 27 other areas. The core would be composed hit nova gorica of seventeen hit nova gorica euro countries and the other ten members would later sail suit. Pirin pointing out that this is being recognized in theory it already has become the banner and be mentioned in this context that the British neitunarvaldið hammered last December EU summit.
To correct steadily the "imbalance" that reduces power and efficiency Pirin Union proposes the following: increased coordination of monetary and economic policies of the core countries. To increase the mobility of EU citizens by ensuring that they can transmit the political and social rights and resolve family law problems transcend borders. Reducing differences in taxation and social hit nova gorica politics of the internal market. Full participation of all the common security and defense policy. Last but not least, these decisions must be followed by action to gain the political and democratic legitimacy by increasing influence parliamentary
Pirin has obviously low opinion hit nova gorica of the European Parliament and believes that the Commission has been very defeated in the changes that have been made as a result of increase in members. He believes that managers should reduce the effect of each state no longer has one representative on the board. He brought convincing evidence that a reduction would rank Commission strengthened.
Everyone recognized that the European Union could verge of a breakdown will not be done. Quatremer went so far as to liken the situation to the eve of World War II to the extent that all were aware of what the defendant would not receive a stripe we built.
Pirin he denied that the formation vanguard would check first class EU country and second class. He believed still fráleitara that this was a core policy of European countries made contact moat. No one wants to be among the Member States. Sarkozy, President Frakkklands was no federal activist and also not present rulers of Germany.
It was noted that public opinion in Germany hit nova gorica was upset over paying debts "óreiðumanna" Mediterranean but the reality was that the German keeper was taken up again would raise the rate up through the roof and pay German exports heavily hit. This could export nations not afford. Germans might thus be noted concerning the idea needs two hands but not ideal.
Concerns were expressed hit nova gorica at the meeting hit nova gorica about the fate of small nations. Pirin reminded að'það was nothing new to them should be disadvantaged in dealing hit nova gorica with great powers of Europe and Poul Skytte said Dana performance speak for themselves hit nova gorica about their strengths within the Union. Pirin said that strengthening the Commission would establish small states
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