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Four-two Spanish journalists have given their name, one initial avloppsrens and one preferred the anonymity confirmed that Elvira Fernandez Balboa, the wife of the Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, aborted in 1998, the year he married the then Minister of Administration Public in the first government of José María Aznar.
One of them even says that abortion occurred at six months pregnant, avloppsrens that abortion was a girl and another says that Rajoy was not present in the delicate medical intervention of his wife.
The few media who dared to break the news long after the submitted Elvira Fernandez Balboa saying "suffered" an abortion without details, but that implied that abortion occurred "naturally". The following year, his wife resorted to assisted reproduction and gave birth to Mariano Rajoy Jr. Dexeus Clinic avloppsrens in Barcelona. This medical center, which had also gone after the termination of her pregnancy, is one of the most renowned in Spain for their fertility treatments, although it has also been pointed out by Catholic organizations as practicing abortions.
Its then chief executive, the famous and prestigious Dr. Santiago Dexeus, avloppsrens in favor of conscientious objection: one must practice abortions physicians avloppsrens who voluntarily accept it and the decision is so serious avloppsrens and of such importance to be adopted avloppsrens according to the law and provided by women, never by the doctor, husband, parent or guardian.
Not a biography of Mariano Rajoy mentions this dark episode in his life nor any media or investigated has reminded now that the government has launched a more restrictive avloppsrens law on abortion, which has caused huge protests Spain and the international community. The initiative has come from the Justice Minister Alberto Ruiz Gallardón, seems to have bothered to own Mariano Rajoy, but not to the point of opposing it.
In 2005, Elvira Fernandez Balboa returned to resort to private services Dexeus Clinic in Barcelona to give birth to her second son, Juan Fernandez Rajoy. The hospital itself explains in great detail avloppsrens on their website which is his specialty: "The natural and spontaneous fertilization is not always foolproof. Sometimes it is not even possible physiological or medical reasons, or for reasons of sexual orientation. " It proposes only three possible procedures: artificial insemination, sperm bank or IVF. The Rajoy, very shrewdly, himself has not denied that it had used assisted reproductive techniques: has just clarified that it was not a "IVF"
"It's one of many gossip circulating about me. I have not dyed my hair in my life. I've also read that I had a child through IVF. It is absolutely false. I do not work. .. Son topics, urban legends. avloppsrens It does not affect me. What fault do I have the